Week 70 — The DayOne Unique Pricing Model

Bernard Teo
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2022


How do we talk about Pricing?

Pricing can be a challenging and awkward topic.

Overpricing your product may cause a negative reaction from the market — losing customers. While underpricing your product will sell yourself short and make you look like you haven’t prepared enough.

*Flips Table after thinking for too hard*

Most SAAS businesses price their software through a subscription based model that ranges between $5 to $15 per user each month.

The differentiating factor in their pricing? Hardly any!

What’s DayOne pricing model?

That brings us to today’s point. How did we come out with the DayOne pricing model.

After much research, we identified that most business model are priced at similar range.

Netflix subscription cost about $13 per month and their favourite competitor Disney, cost about $12 per month. $1 difference, WOW that’s a huge difference (obviously sarcastic here).

What this comparison means is that if we decide to adopt a subscription based business model, our pricing will not differ much from competitors.

To be differentiated (in terms of pricing), the team decided to price the DayOne App more like a “product” and not like any other softwares services — pay once use for ever. (Woohoo, trouble time)

Remember the last time you bought a chair or maybe a table. You only had to pay once at the counter and then you can bring it home to use for the rest of your life.

It’s totally a relief right? No need to bind your credit card or worry about recurring payments.

DayOne ultimate plan: DayOne Pro

DayOne Pro

Introducing the DayOne’s pricing. *drums-roll*

The DayOne Pro Solution — Pay once and use forever at only $99USD per workspace, with unlimited Announcements, Teams, Responsibilities and Repository.

Perfect plan! I know!

No commitments after the first payment and no more worrying about remembering to cancel your plan after XXX dates.


Each workspace is a one time payment of $99 USD. After payment, users are entitled to full features including of unlimited Teams, Tasks, Knowledges , Announcements and Repository.

For more details find it here: weareday.one

We hope that our pricing is affordable and sustainable for you and we are keen to hear what you guys think! Have a chat with us.

That’s it for this week updates. We hope you guys had a great week so far.

Stay safe

Au Revoir ,



Bernard Teo

Young Entrepreneur | Startups | Strategy | Marketing | Growth | Finance | Business Dev